Sunday, February 22, 2009

Angela Williams is Up to the Challenge in Marion 2009

As mentioned in other emails to the party, we all owe a debt of gratitude to Angela Williams. Angela, aside from running for City Council in Marion, is the Marion County Libertarian Party organizer. Angela will be facing stiff competition for a seat that traditionally goes uncontested. The LPO will be turning out in force for Angela in 2009 because of the viability of her campaign as well as the steadfastness of her beliefs.

Angela was the candidate seated across from the Secretary of State as the poster child for Libertarian Ballot access. Angela was the first candidate to turn in petition documents only to get turned away initially because she's a Libertarian. Angela has been the 'head of the spear' in Libertarian ballot efforts.

Angela's going to show them what she's made of! Stay tuned, as the Marion race ignites with two viable Libertarian candidates running for City Council!

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