Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bill Pierce, PE Will Run for Senate as an Independent (For Now)

This is the correspondence between me and Mr. Bill Pierce, P.E. ~ Independent for U.S. Senate from Cincinnati. I went and listened and talked with Bill for a couple of hours on Saturday. There were six other persons at this meeting representing Ohio Freedom Coalitions and Constitution Party guys.

To summarize, Bill is eminently qualified to hold the post. His views are Libertarian in nature, but I get the vibe that he is not in tune with most of the Libertarian social agenda (ending the war on drugs, gay equality, non-interventionalist foreign policy…etc). Bill is Republican that is angry with his former party. (that fact is specifically detailed on his website). All the same, this is the type of fellow that would represent Libertarians well in 2010 on the issues of taxes, less government and personal freedom. I explained to him the troubles that Independent candidates will face at the State level (5000 valid signatures, for one thing) in 2010 as well as having an unidentifiable presence as an Independent. Bill was very cordial and listed his response to my proposition that he consider running for the Libertarian nomination, however he wants to ‘go it alone’ for now. The election season for 2010 is still young and I anticipate seeing him on our radar as the summer comes and goes and certain realities become obvious.

Allow me to impress upon everyone that the LPO will endorse OUR candidate for that race. We will likely hear about ‘Ron Paul-type’ candidates for many statewide and federal offices between now and then. I will join with other C+C committee members, Paul, and field guys to reach out to them. Hopefully, we will be successful in persuading those candidates to vie for the LP nomination. However, if we are NOT successful, we need to immediately switch gears and re-focus on Libertarian candidates. I know that there has been some discussion in the past about endorsement of candidates that are not Libertarian. I am not interested in opening up that can of worms right now. But, for the time being, Bill’s efforts will be watched thought the spring and summer, but he is off the radar for now. Please help me to focus on finding candidates for these important races. We need to not only celebrate our ballot access, but to display our party viability by fielding Libertarians in high profile races.

Thank You,

William (Butch) McDowall
Chair, Candidates and Campaign Committee

-----Original Message-----From: William Pierce [] Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 10:50 AMTo: William McDowallSubject: Re: Regarding our meeting in Worthington~


Thank you very much for the note you sent, and the sentiments you offered in it, with regard to the difficulties we have as we try to “right the unrightable wrong.” We certainly are on the same page as we discuss the failures of our federal government, but more importantly the failures of those to whom we have given the responsibility for leading it.

You and Rob were very explicit about the difficulties which lie ahead for an independent candidacy, and I truly appreciate that very much for a dose of reality is very necessary as I proceed. I have taken your suggestion to look at the SoS website and I thank you for the “heads up” regarding the changing rules.

I also appreciate your perspective and suggestion concerning my relationship with PACs and have made the adjustment in the “contract.” It is a valid point that all PACs are not created equally, and the distinction you made is a wonderful addition. It represents exactly the type of input I seek over the next year before formalizing the employment contract and making an instrumental part of my campaign.

Your comments regarding the Libertarian Party are thought provoking and I will keep them in mind as I proceed. My initial reaction is that I must remain independent of any and all party labels as I want to be held accountable by the people of Ohio and not be expected to carry the platform generated by others. I guess it is the same independence which led me to leave direct employment, venture off on my own, and start an engineering service company.

As a freelance engineer even today, the freedom to set my own direction is in my blood and very difficult to set aside. Having said that, I seek the opportunity to have the people of Ohio set my direction – but, it is very similar to my past when I had my company’s customers and my banker determine expectations and hold me accountable. It is the freedom to set the method of meeting those expectations which I feel I must hold on to since it is such a major portion of my makeup.

I hope we may stay in contact and chat off and on as we proceed in our common goal of reestablishing a vision of a government which understands that it exists at the will of the people, and not of a society which exists at the will and dominance of a government.

Thanks again for your time and input yesterday – it was truly appreciated.


--- On Sat, 2/21/09, William McDowall wrote:
From: William McDowall Subject: Regarding our meeting in Worthington~To:, "Paul Campbell" Cc: "Matthew Bianco" Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009, 4:19 PM

Original Message to Bill Pierce:

Mr. William. Pierce P.E.,

I enjoyed the lunch we had in Worthington. I do the best I can to attend any meetings where like minded individuals can talk freely about the concepts of Liberty and Freedom. I am also reading your book and I appreciate the gift. I work for a small Civil Engineering firm here in Columbus and I will pass it on to our owners who struggle with these regulatory agencies frequently.

Regarding your campaign, I have to say that I am intrigued. Your views on the political spectrum largely fall within that of the party I represent. At the risk of being forward, I ask you to evaluate in the short term whether your candidacy will be the most plausible; as an independent or perhaps as a Libertarian.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am a party officer. My duties include recruitment and nurturing prospective candidates from the time they decide to run for office to the point where they are filing their petitions with the Board of Elections as Libertarian candidates. As a grassroots-style party, I can make no promises that your campaign would be simpler than remaining an independent candidate. However, there is a definite party structure in place that can offer you advantages. As you might be aware, running as a Libertarian in no way will isolate you from the support of the groups represented at the lunch in Worthington. Ohio Freedom Alliance advocates hold positions in the L.P.O. notably, the Deputy Political Director for Ohio, Matt Bianco, an Ohio Freedom advocate, advised me to attend the luncheon.

In order to maintain minor party status in Ohio, the L.P.O. has a party structure similar to the major parties. As such, we maintain field, political and communication divisions. We also have nomination and endorsement procedures, executive and central committees and an ever increasing county development group with active memberships.

In closing let me reiterate that I am not in a position to offer you a party nomination should you decide to consider running as a Libertarian. It is likely that you would face opposition in the May 2010 state primary. Although you seem to be the most equipped person to run right now, the election season is young and more candidates will are likely to appear. As an independent, you would not have to endure this internal process but, the L.P.O. will most certainly be backing the Libertarian candidate for Senate. It is your decision to evaluate the following two questions: 1) Would you receive more votes in November 2010 as an independent candidate, or would you receive more votes as the endorsed Libertarian Candidate for Senate? and 2) Although Libertarians do not take a stance on the abortion issue, if you were to run as a Libertarian, would you be comfortable representing a party that has a comparatively progressive social agenda? While we are a ‘big tent’ organization and opposition to planks in the party platform are common, our party is traditionally supportive of human rights, a non-interventionalist foreign policy and a general end to the drug war that some traditional ‘across the board’ conservatives struggle with.

Please call me at any time to discuss any questions you might have. In the mean time, I would strenuously suggest to download the 2009 candidate’s guide from the Ohio Secretary of State’s website. I am also attaching the 2006 candidate’s guide for you to determine your signature and petitioning requirements. Please visit to review our party structure and to determine if this is a road to office you might consider.

Thank You, and I hope to hear from you in the near future

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