Friday, April 3, 2009

Andrew Rehner - Leadership for Ohio's 74th.

Andrew Rehner is prepared to bring his business experience to the table in his quest to win election in Ohio’s 74th district. Andrew may have had the quote of the week when he wrote: ” I would like to affect a change in American politics at the grass roots level.That being said, I have been interested in the Libertarian party since the first election that I voted in 1976. My belief is that any real effective change begins at the local level.I have arrived at a time in my life where it has become more important to me to focus my energy on personal goals vs. business or monetary ones.” Andrew assures that fundraising and self-promotion will be the last of his problems during his race in 2010. All the same, we will support him in every way possible as he looks to bring Liberty to Delta, Ohio.

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