Friday, March 6, 2009

Statement from Matt Cantrell, Libertarian Candidate for Congress in Ohio's 15th.

By the time my daughter is an adult, there will be only three possibilities of the type of country she will inherit: one that has drastically reduced the size of its government and returned to its Constitutional principles, a country that taxes its citizens at rates we have never seen, or a country that is bankrupt.

Our job as Libertarians is twofold. First, we must convince voters that the premises above are true by knowing the facts of our economic situation. Second, we must passionately describe why the latter two possibilities are unacceptable alternatives that would signal the end of our Republic. I am ready and able to do both.

Over the next few months, I will share my vision for Ohio and America with others. I will use this time to ask myself, my family and fellow Libertarians whether I would make the strongest candidate in 2010 to defeat Mary Jo Kilroy and her Republican challenger. I look forward to embarking on this journey with you.

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