Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Phill Clapham to Enter the 2010 Race in Ohio's 19th Setting Up a Libertarian Primary

I had the pleasure of meeting Phill this past Saturday at the LPO open house in Westerville, Ohio. Phill is the type of candidate that makes you wish the election were this week. He is on the right side of Liberty and seeks to improve the lot of those he will represent in Ohio’s 19th. While we are all looking forward to unseating Representative Marion Harris who has been tainted by years of public schooling support efforts much to the detriment of Ohio’s youth, we are also looking forward to a spirited debate between Phill and Mike Johnston, LPO Treasurer, who is also seeking the office. One thing is for sure, a great Libertarian will represent our Party in this race!


  1. Let's show those other parties what a friendly, open, positive primary looks like!

  2. Hello everyone, I am very much so looking forward to the primaries, and even more so to my future debate with Mike. Until then I encourage everyone to continue fighting tirelessly for the cause of liberty, and to continue to work in shaping the political debate of our great country.
